Non-linear inversion for stellar structure

To investigate internal stellar structure, inversion techniques have been developed in the past decades. These methods use helio- and asteroseismology to constrain and build models of stars. Here we present a new approach to infer stellar structure through inversion. This project was initiated during the Kavli Summer Program in Astrophysics 2021.

An asteroseismic expedition for the missing physics in stellar evolution

Le Saux A., Bellinger E. P. & Basu S. (in prep)

To date, most methods used to perform inversions are linear. This can introduce errors, particularly for evolved stars. Thus we propose here a method based on non-linear inversion. Here we propose to build static stellar models with a flexible composition profile and to use a stellar evolution code to relax these models, i.e. to solve the full non-linear equations of stellar structure. The composition profiles that are compatible with the stellar oscillation data are sought using a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method.

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    Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique
    Institut Pierre Simon Laplace
    4 place Jussieu
    Tower 45-55, 2nd floor
    75005 Paris
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