Modelling stellar interiors with MUSIC
with Isabelle Baraffe, Thomas Guillet and the MUSIC team.
As an Astrophysicist, my main research focus on understanding and studying fluid dynamics, and particularly waves and convection, in stellar interiors and planetary atmospheres from a theoretical and numerical point of view. To carry out my research on stellar interiors, I am using the multi-dimensional hydrodynamical fully compresible MUSIC code as well as asteroseimic data. I am mostly interested in low mass and intermediate-mass stars, from main-sequence to the asymptotic giant branch. Concerning planetary atmospheres, I am running simulations using the Generic Planetary Circulation Model to study the Ice giants, Neptune and Uranus. I am currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the at the Astrophysics Department of CEA-Saclay. Before that, I was a postdoctoral researcher at LMD/IPSL.
I was awarded a PhD from the University of Exeter in June 2023, supervised by Prof. Isabelle Baraffe and Dr. Thomas Guillet. I obtained a MSc in Astronomy & Astrophysics from Sorbonne Université and Paris Observatory in 2019 and a MEng from Ecole Centrale de Lyon in 2018.
with Isabelle Baraffe, Thomas Guillet and the MUSIC team.
with Earl Bellinger and Sarbani Basu.
with Lisa Bugnet, Kanah Simth and Rafael A. García.
with Sandrine Guerlet, Aymeric Spiga, Jeremy Leconte and the Planeto team.
with Léo Fourdriner.